Delicious Complete and Balanced Freeze Dried dog food, made with 80% quality beef, combined with fruits, vegetables and superfoods. Perfect for adult dogs of all sizes. Our Freeze-Dried complete meals are designed to meet all of dog’s nutritional needs, helping support digestive wellbeing, without the need for frozen storage or defrosting.
Our beef Freeze Dried complete and balanced dog food, is made using ingredients you can see and understand. High quality beef with a blend of fruits, vegetables and superfoods, to help support dog’s digestive wellbeing.
We’re passionate about making raw convenient and our Freeze Dried meals for dogs are the next best thing to feeding raw for when you are on the go, with no compromise on quality or taste. Freeze drying removes almost all the water content whilst locking in the nutrients that dogs need.
There’s also the peace of mind that all our complete and balanced meals for dogs are made to FEDIAF nutritional guidelines, crafted by our expert team for worry-free natural feeding and mess free mealtimes. Our Freeze Dried nuggets make a delicious meal for all adult dogs.
Please remember, that as this beef dog food is a natural product, some difference in colour and appearance between batches is, well, natural!
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Price List
For all our feed, bedding and extras that don't in the shop itself!
If you are travelling to collect a specific feed, it is advisable to call to confirm stock.
Prices are correct at the time of printing (2019).
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